Few important and usefull Maximo system properties and their functions

Some important Maximo system properties and their functions

1. mxe.db.fetchResultLogLimit  --> Generates an exception in the log for the specified number of objects in a single mbo set.

2. mail.smtp.host  --> inorder to send email from Maximo, administrator needs to specify the SMTP server so that users can send e-mail notifications.

3. mxe.adminEmail  --> Fro sending the e-mail notification to the administrative user.

4. mxe.doclink.doctypes.defpath -- default path for Doclinks

5. mxe.db.logSQLTimelimit  --> (Log SQL operations exceeding this time limit (milliseconds)), In order to analyze Maximo system performance, or to determine SQL statement execution time.

6.  mxe.int.globaldir --> required to export XML and flat files from a publish channel to a specific directory location.

A system property that need to be updated within Maximo, If DBA changed the password for the user maximo using a SQL command.

7. mxe.db.password  -> Native database password for Maximo connection

All three properties helps to detect and release stale database connections...

7. mxe.db.closelongrunconn --> Boolean flag to indicate if we need to close long running connection.

8. mxe.db.longruntimelimit --> Time limit in minutes to close for long running connection.

9. mxe.db.detectlongrunconninterval --> Interval in minutes to check long running connection. Default=0. Value in (0, 30] is treated as 30.

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